Do you own a dental clinic? Are you worried about the right way to bill your client? Your worries can be addressed quickly and I am there to help. Yes, I am not a qualified dentist. However, I can help you with dental invoice templates to bill your patients.
I understand that most of the time billing a patient can be done only for the excess amount that the insurance agency cannot pay. Which means you need an invoice in place to let know the patient about the amount is due.
You must mention all details also and adequately let know the services not covered by insurance or the treatment which is not covered by the insurance. These details must be recorded clearly to get payment from the patient.
I agree that it is a herculean task to every time prepares details for each patient. But, there is a quick way and ask me what? It is by using the templates given here for free and filling in the details only. You may fill the gaps in not only teeth but also these forms easily to bill your client.
I will walk you through the process and let you know in detail about how to use these dental invoice templates in the best way.
Therefore park your administration issues to me and proceed with your professional task of helping people get treated for all kind of dental problems.
Dental Invoice Sample and Components of Dental Invoice
You can download the template from here, and few are filled with all details and attached a sample for reference and your perusal. You can either use them directly filling only the address details or edit few details based on your treatment.
I am getting into the business now. Read carefully to know the necessary elements to be present in the dental invoice.
Unlike invoice prepared for collecting payment for any product sold or service done, the dental invoice is a document that reminds people about the treatment and pain relief. Still, requesting for refund formally is mandatory to get paid and file them for tax purposes.
It must contain all the details of treatment given, materials used for treatment, along with their cost and consulting fees.
Similar to any invoice dental invoice also will begin with the DATE. The date when the invoice is given to the patient. Contact details of the patient including mobile number, and address.
Total amount to be paid over and above the insurance payment. Last date for making payment. In case of a late fee, then penalty details must be mentioned.
Include tax details and attest the invoice with the relevant authorities signature.
How to Edit Dental Invoice Template in Word
You can find several dental invoice templates in a word document. Directly download them to use after editing the details.
Seems to be simple right? Yes, it is. So start testing it with one document right now and share your feedback with us.
What is the difference between invoice and bill? Invoice is a document given to patients mentioning all details and due date for payment.
On the other hand, the bill is a document given to patients at the time of receiving payment. It is spontaneous action happening in concurrence. People pay soon after collecting the bill. In reverse get payment and give bill. Both are a similar process.
Therefore the bill format need not be the same as that of the invoice. At the same time, it is not going to differ very much. The bill will consist of date, contact details, treatment details, cost, tax and signature.
Payment due date will not be there. Payment penalty terms will not be mentioned. There is no possibility of nonpayment as the bill is given only after payment is made.
Now comes the receipt. This template will consist of the details about the amount paid against the service rendered. It need not be as detail as an invoice or bill. , will contain the date, contact details, treatment given and the amount paid.
Received with thanks from the Patient Name for the Root Canal Treatment a sum of Amount Amount Details in Figure and Words.
Finally signature of the authorized person.
Find a Dental Clinic Receipt Sample with all details for your perusal.
Download detailed instruction on each of the points in the receipt here.
Download this sample here.
This template is applicable if you specialize in any area. Like dental radiology is your specialization and you can first obtain the authorization from the dental association. Now you can use this record and then invoice the patients for the outpatient services.
The veteran department will authorize the general practitioner to handle a specific dental issue. Such treatment must use the dental record authorization and then along with sending the invoice to the patient who took therapy as an outpatient.
Yes, you can use this template for just offering hygienist services. This can include simple cleaning of the tooth, flossing, tooth whitening, and fillings. These are all usually not a treatment but just a routine checkup to maintain the tooth health.
These templates will consist of details of the hygiene treatment, cost and you can edit them and personalize based on the service you provide.
A dental implant is a detailed process. It may include removal of the existing teeth. This is done as the teeth is decayed completely and recovery not possible. Root canal treatment might not help, and the only way to have teeth is to remove the existing teeth and replace with a new one.
Ok, also know that the lab services you offer must be charged. Yes, first step to understand the tooth structure, decay depth, tooth damage intensity. This charge will be included in the lab invoice.
So you can either add this amount in the same dental invoice, or if you or the patient require separate bill for tax purpose, then you can use this template for mentioning the lab charges.
Sometimes not just the doctor handles the dental services and for those who take help from a nurse can mention the nurse services charges using the dental nurse invoice.
Dental clinics do need to keep record of their patients. This can easily be done by using a detailed patient information sheet. It also helps the clinic to store all the details regarding insurance as well in one place. The stored record can be used for futher treatments of the patients.
You can download a fillable patient information sheet from here.
If you face issues with unpaid invoices by patients, you can use invoice collection letters to send reminders to patients. Collection letters are a great way to send reminders for due payments and get paid on time. Here is a sample dental collection letter.
You can find more such collection letters here.
You may use the correct invoice and still not get paid. There is a right approach for billing the patient and getting paid on-time. Here you go with the step by step instruction.
Step1: Make sure you verify all the insurance details. Remember to arrange the payment details before beginning the treatment process. Most of the people prefer using insurance and hence check all aspects. Policies that require authorization from insurance provider must be verified to avoid any last minute confusions.
Step2: Now make a list of cost details for each treatment. The dental invoice must contain the treatment details listed in order. Provide the cost for each procedure separately. You need to provide an invoice with all aspects, and only then patients can claim insurance and the remaining amount they will pay to you.
Step3: Only now you must give the invoice to the patient. After covering all dental services, detail provides the invoice to the patient. Try to provide the invoice personally and explain the terms. To the possible extent avoid sending through email or physical mail. If they understand the invoice, then they can quickly make payment. Therefore explain in detail personally.
Step4: Ascertain a clear payment policy. You are aware that dental practices are not the same in their payment policy. So you must let patients know about your payment terms. Ensure to have a consistent billing protocol. If you’re flexible in your words, then make know patients about the same and the billing cycle.
Step5: Follow up continuously until you receive the payment entirely. You can also hold the credit card details of patients just in case the insurance claim gets rejected. Alternatively, you can take advance payment, and once insurance is cleared, you can repay it or use it for future follow-up treatments.
If you follow these steps religiously, then you can quickly get paid.
Pricing detail for a dental implant to be mentioned in the invoice
You can prepare this invoice at the beginning of treatment and mention part payment as it will involve several visits. A dental implant cannot be completed overnight.
I am glad that I could give you so many details about dental invoice along with many templates under one roof. Feel free to use them and get paid on-time.