ACT ® WorkKeys ® is a system of assessments, curriculum and skills profiling that determine, build, and measure essential workplace skills that can affect your job performance and increase opportunities for career changes and advancement.
Developed with the same knowledge and research expertise responsible for the ACT ® test, WorkKeys assessments and training help lead individuals and businesses to success.
Our solutions are helping strengthen job readiness and skills development for more than 10 million businesses, government agencies, professional associations, education institutions, and individuals in the United States and internationally.
Build Essential Career-Relevant Skills
Help individuals build the essential career-relevant skills needed for learning, personal development and effective job performance with the ACT ® WorkKeys ® Curriculum. ACT has been working to improve career readiness and close the skills gap for more than 50 years.
ACT WorkKeys Curriculum is a proven tool for helping individuals acquire skills critical to workplace success. It’s the only curriculum built from the ground up to align with ACT ® WorkKeys ® Assessments and the ACT ® National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC ® ).